

Trademark is everything that has a distinctive design and used to distinguish between goods and products in order to retain mark owner the right to the trademark because such owner deals with and uses it in sales presentations and to distinguish its products or services. Trademark may be words, numbers, letters, graphics, logos, devices, inscriptions, signatures, seals or any other label.

Trademark is registered upon goods and under the international classification for goods and services as there are 45 categories (Nice Classification).

For the trademark owner, in order to maintain his right and be able to protect it from infringement of other people, it is necessary to be registered under the competent authority.The trademark is registered with the owner`s data and address as well as the description of the goods. Any change to the trademark or transferring it to another company will be also registered.It must be published in the Brand Official Journal in addition to publishing it in local newspapers after acceptance to enable the public to exercise their rights to inspect the Gazette mentioned and taking legal action to prevent the registration of the mark in the case of similarity with his mark.

Applicant Description:

Normal person, companies or legal persons


Registration Priority right may be claimed within 12 months from the date of application submission in the original country.


The Protection shall be for 10 years from the submission date and is renewable for similar terms. Renewal must be made during the last year of protection term or within 3 months.


  1. Power of Attorney, and if the applicant is outside the AUE, this POA shall be duly documented and ratified by AUE Embassy.
  2. A copy of the Certificate of Incorporation or an extract of the Commercial Record
  3. A copy of Trademark Registration Certificate in the original country, in case that the trademark is registered outside the country.


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